Sorry for the lack of updates. There's been a lot of upheaval in my life over the last month or two, and I have been in entirely the wrong mental state to talk to the guides. I've been getting a lot of "interference" when I try to talk to them: stress, anxiety, thought intrusions, ect.
The last communication came through in June, but due to a varitey of screwups I didn't post it. Here it is....
Hokayy... so the day this came through I was remembering some not-so-laudable things I’d done in the past and experiencing guilt and shame regarding these memories. It got to the point where I was being floored by those feelings, overwhelmed, so I asked the guides to help me.
Here’s what they had to say on the subject of guilt. As usual,
bold is them, plain text is me.
We greet you. We were speaking of guilt. Please write this down, for we would have you share it.
Guilt is in no way an evil thing. It is the response of the heart to to the knowledge that one has, or is doing, wrong.
It is pain, and like other pain it exists to prevent harm, to alert us to damage. As pain makes the hand start back from the flame, so guilt makes us start back from doing harm to another.
However, to suffer guilt in itself is without meaning unless the lessons of pain are learned. One must not give in to idle guilt, unclean guilt; for to flagellate the self is idle. Turn from such action. Let pain guide you away from harm; let guilt guide you into more worthy things: Compassion, generosity, redemption.
Do not give yourself to guilt. Seek repentance, seek to make amends. Where no amends can be made, seek to add more weight to the scales of your life, that the good may balance out the ill.
It is not enough to suffer idly, to berate the self with harsh words or to belabor the self with blows. No good can come from these things.
[This next bit is sort of like blank verse. I suspect it’s being offered for magicak/meditative use, so I’m going to memorise it. It’s all a bit obvious, but I think it’s pretty.]
Learn from your guilt.
When you have been selfish and feel guilt: tomorrow, be generous.
When guilt comes from cruelty: tomorrow, be kind.
When guilt comes from idleness: tomorrow, do good works.
When guilt comes from a cold heart: tomorrow, be be loving.
And in all things, be at peace.