
Liber Viridis

This is either a) the weblog of two spirit guides who for reasons best known to themselves have chosen to work with Mordant C., or b) the sad deluded ramblings of an ageing gen-Xer who's finally lost her few remaining marbles. Whatever. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Got a fairly hefty download today. It started off with some rather vague, what's-it-all-about-then type questions on my part. The entities took this as their cue to hand me a sizeable whack of advice and info. Here goes... (entities' words in bold).

"Look not to the guides or gods for fulfillment, for purpose in the world. Rather, look to that which can be experienced directly. The rock, the tree; Love, Justice, Mercy-- these are your touchstones. Live as if you had no other life, and as if death was the end of all things for you. Relish the pleasures that this world offers you; relish also the passion of suffering, for in suffering is knowledge, understanding, compassion. If you live tenderly, touching your fellows' lives with wisdom and kindess, then, dear heart, you will not have to fret yourself about heaven and hell. There is meaning in the moment, our child, our dear one, in the immortal and eternal instant. Have no fear. Love. Live in tender passion. Fret not over vengefulness or envy, for these things are idle passions.

In all things you may turn to us and we will answer. Do not forget this. We are your affectionate friends, behind you and above you, and we will neither abandon nor harm."

Which was nice.

A bit later on, I had an attack of the why-mes. Why pick me to do this, to tell people this stuff? I'm no one. I wear black nail-varnish and can't get a job. Then there's the whole, y'know, gothic thing, which really doesn't say 'New Age Prophet'. And so on. They're used to this, I keep on asking them this stuff. I had a whole big conversation last Sunday where they went into a lot of detail, but it's a bit personal and I'm not ready to share it yet. Here's what they said this time:

"In darkness there is a seduction, there is the lure of mystery. We know this, as you know it. The light you see [presented by other people] is sometimes light as of a candle, a pure source. Other times it is purely the reflection worn by water.

"Beware those who preach Light, as much as you would beware those who preach dark cruelty. For how can you know what lies beneath their raiment? Only by touching them do you know, by observing. Some are good and worthy, and a light shines from within them as well as without. Others will talk of peace and light, but this is how they mask from themselves the harm they do. You know this, but let this re-telling shore up your knowing."

MC: So how do I deal with people like that?

"Withdraw your touch from them. Sheild yourself. Yet do not seek always to unmask, unless your evidence is most damning and the need is very great. For there will be many deceived by outward glitter, and they will not understand. You will earn only their incredulity and their anger. Be tender in this as you would be tender in all things, bide your time and be at peace. Fight by example. Fight by being your own dear self, by the showing patience and wisdom we have seen you show."

MC: I don't feel very patient sometimes.

"We know this. But if you permit yourself to be goaded into a fight, it will be on their terms. Fight as we have said. Show tenderness, show eagerness, show willingness to aid and to teach, show willingness to learn. Let your finer nature be unhindered by fear or vengefulness and it will blaze, it will shine."

MC: Yeah, but what if I come up against some total wanker who goes around claiming to be an ipsisssimusinessness or something and takes advantage of other people's credulity? Can't I slap them down? Just a little?

"Of course you can. And then you will have to live with the consequences of that: for what you do will be reflected back on you undiluted by context. Many are unwise. Be strong. Be wise. Show tender patience, and you will convince far more than with aggression and rage, however justified."

MC: That sucks!

"It is hard, yes."


Not really happy with the whole "dear" thing, it's a bit mooshy. But I'm trying to pass this stuff on as accurately as possible, so I can't really leave it out. What the hey. Also, I think they're getting a bit fed up with me asking them stuff when I already know the answer or could work it out for myself if I just thought about it for a while.

Still, there ya go.
posted by Mordant Carnival  # 5:50 PM
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