
Liber Viridis

This is either a) the weblog of two spirit guides who for reasons best known to themselves have chosen to work with Mordant C., or b) the sad deluded ramblings of an ageing gen-Xer who's finally lost her few remaining marbles. Whatever. Enjoy.

Friday, November 21, 2003

I've been trying to ascertain the names of the guides, but I can't clearly understand them. The 'male' guide, the one that stands behind me when I'm healing, seems to be called Mah Ehl, or Mah Ahy Ehl, something like that (the name may begin with an N rather than an M); the 'female' guide who flies seems to be Rah Mae Ehl. I'm guessing a bit here, because the sounds are unclear and the entities aren't big on spelling. Until I'm a bit more confident that I'm getting the names right, I'm going to go with initials: RML for the 'female' guide, ML for the 'male'.

Anyway, here's a quick chat from a few nights back.

Greetings. It's me.

What would you ask of us?

Explain that thing you were saying just now, about reason and linear thought and their relation to emotion?

You know, as you have read and considered this often, that humans extend their tender passions for one another in a widening circle, radiating outwards like a ripple from a stone.

First one loves oneself, then those who are of one's own flesh and blood, and then one's close friends: one's tribe. The ripples weaken with distance and exhaust themselves. Yet having Reason we canextend that widening circle outwards, ever outwards. We say to ourselves: "If I suffer from such-and-such a disaster, then my neighbour must suffer when a similar disaster befalls him."

Reason is worthy. It is handmaiden to the tender passions, not their enemy. It extends the widening ring of the heart's pure empathy outwards, ever outwards, to embrace the world. It is handmaiden to wisdom, and from wisdom comes good.

Would you characterise Reason as male? Hey, stop laughing!

[RML dances in the air, laughing. She has this amazingly musical, birdlike laugh; doesn't sound human at all. ML guffaws, then leans on his stick, smiling.]

Guys, please! This is important.

Yes, reason is male. And female. And it is neither. Do you not reason? Do you not love reason, and press it into the service of your growing wisdom and all your tender passions? [This is ML speaking; RML is still laughing and doing her air dance.]

[ML, with infinite patience] This you know. You need not question that which you know.

We are here, and you may approach us at any time and ask us anything. But you doubt your knowing, and that is to doubt too much. This is not merely the wise doubt, it is the idle doubt born of fear. Trust that which you know.

I'm always a bit scared you're going to tell me I'm wrong.

We do tell you that you are wrong. We will tell you when you are mistaken, we will find you when you are lost. But you must trust always in yourself. You lay open your integrity to destruction when you doubt everything you know, and at all times.

Be at peace.

posted by Mordant Carnival  # 4:12 AM
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