
Liber Viridis

This is either a) the weblog of two spirit guides who for reasons best known to themselves have chosen to work with Mordant C., or b) the sad deluded ramblings of an ageing gen-Xer who's finally lost her few remaining marbles. Whatever. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

More info. It's a bit me-specific, but I thought I'd post it anyhow. It was mostly dictated whilst travelling on the train into Barcelona. The entities seem to like talking to me while I'm travelling. Also they much prefer to talk to me through the medium of a green gel ink pen. I've explained the cultural significance of green ink to them but they won't budge.

I can't belive I'm sitting on public transport, taking dictation from my imaginary friends spirit guides in frikkin' green ink. Kill me now.

As before, bold text indicates spooky perverts. Regular text is moi.


Yo! It's me, MC. Got anything for me today?

"What would you know?"

I dunno. Stuff.

[Silence. Waiting.]

Okay. Uhhh...

Do people have souls? Or are we just meat?

Soul? (NB: The vibe I got here wasn't blank incomprehension. It was more of a raised eyebrow, you-can-do-better-than-that sort of feeling.)

You know! Like, an immortal componant.

You have asked us this. Many times.

Yeah, but I never understand your answers.

You do not wish to understand our answer. You fear it.

I suppose.

If we told you, "Thee is no soul, there is only the flesh, and the death of the flesh..."

Hold that thought, my train's coming. Can you get me a seat? Get me a seat, I want to talk to you and I can't write stood up.

(They got me a seat.)

So, you were saying...

If we were to tell you "There is no life beyond this life; you are only flesh and will perish utterly when your time comes," you would not accept it from us because we are beyond flesh.

If we told you: "Why yes, you have a soul, you are an immortal being made manifest through the flesh," you would not accept that either, for we have offered no proof and you have no faith.

Therefore you would reject any answer that we gave you.

Point. So let me put it another way: Can you give me any proof that we live after our deaths?

You won't like it.

Try me

You have seen ghosts. You know the dead remain. What further proof do you wish?

Well, better ghosts, for a start.

When you consulted with the dead of your mother's family, did they play you false?


And yet when you had the knowledge they gave you, you rejected and concealed it.

I wasn't sure it was right!

Yes, you were. Fear cheats you. You allow it to cheat you, time after time. What is it that you fear?

Being wrong. Telling people something that's not true.


And looking stupid.

You must learn trust. We love you; you are our scribe. We will not allow falsness to come from your lips, or your pen. Do not fear opprobrium, ridicule.

You guys sound like Adam Ant.

[Humerous disapproval]

As we say: You are our scribe, and you must learn to express our teachings fearlessly. We will not lie, or give wrong

(Okay, this is where something peculiar happened. It got harder and harder to write, as if something was trying to take control of the pen. Everything was coming out wrong, I was writing the wrong letters, stuff I didn't intend. Some of the entry is unreadable.)

[illegible; may be 'near'] the blood of the r[illegible] [illegible; may be 'opening'] t[illegible] the words [illegible; may be 'not'] no give [illegible; may be 'renew'] the [word repeated four or five times, may be 'me' or 'no'] [illegible; looks like either 'welcome' or 'recieve'] the [illegible; may be 'bowl' or 'prowl'] the

Didn't get that. Can you give it to me again?

The blood of the lost the blood of the lost the blood of the lost ['lands' or 'lamb'] calls you the blood of the lost land ['is' or 'has'] you blood of the lost


We are here.

What the hell was that?

The voice of fear. The voice of your proof.

You're right. I don't like it. Can you, I don't know, call it off or something? It wouldn't give my pen back!

Yes. You will be contacted again, however.

Fair enough, but I'm on the train, remember?

Would you want this to happen in your home?

Well, it didn't feel like it was really bad... just confused and angry. Yeah, I could deal.

As you wish.

Anyway. You were saying?

We will not lie, or give you false things to say.

But I might screw up. I might invent stuff in my own head, and end up putting words in your mouths. How can I be sure I haven't just invented all this?

Have patience. We will find you, we will speak more plainly to you as you know us.

Okay. You guys couldn't maybe oblige with a prediction or something?

You wouldn't put it up on the web log if we did.
We will give you predictions in the future, have no fear. But we must move closer to you, we must touch you and you must learn to trust our voices.

Know patience. Know the peace of knowing that each thing has its time. You try too hard to contain too many things. You load yourself with burden after burden; and when in the course of inevitability you let one of them drop, you fling the whole to the ground, then berate yourself.

Be at peace. Know patience. Carry one burden at a time. You ask too much-- not of us, for we are immortal and beyond such burdens-- but of yourself.

[Image: a folded hand gesture, which I understand to mean that the conversation is over.]

* * *

(Later that same day...)

I'm back.

[I feel, rather than see or hear, a greeting]

So, can I have a job then?

Your job is to teach.

There's a bit of a problem there.

Go to the bookshop, buy such materials as you need. Go there as soon as you have finished your food, which [a feeling of diversion, of moving off track for a second, which I've transcribed as 'by the way'] is not what we recommend for your health.

But I like patas bravas!

You will like feeling healthful more.

Okay. I'll have something green later. About those books.

Buy the books. You will know which ones. We will guide you and give you what you need. Teach. Learn. Show willingness, and be at peace.

[goodbye gesture]

* * *

I did go to the bookshop, but lots of other stuff was happening and I got flustered, started second-guessing everything, lost the mission. I did locate a couple of good books in the end, but they weren't quite what I was after. The entities are really really big on having me teach, but I don't feel ready.
posted by Mordant Carnival  # 11:36 AM
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