
Liber Viridis

This is either a) the weblog of two spirit guides who for reasons best known to themselves have chosen to work with Mordant C., or b) the sad deluded ramblings of an ageing gen-Xer who's finally lost her few remaining marbles. Whatever. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

An attempt at a nonlinear model of spacetime, magickians, for the use of.

This is basically an image/idea I've been kicking around since I was about nine, but being me I'd never got round to discussing it with anyone, or writing it down, or doing anything much with it. It's not terribly groundbreaking or anything but I thought I'd put it up anyway. (Note that this is a magickal thought model; it doesn't have much to do with physics. That's a horse of a different colour.)

I've been having a think about this, guys, and I'd like to get it straight so we can blog it.

Right, so my conception of spacetime is that it could be seen as a crystal [I send an image of a huge multifaceted crystal structure, with a different event reflected in each facet]. Your go!

You are in part correct, although perhaps a better image might be [Image: a coraline structure of infinite complexity. The coral is made up of cells which themselves are made up of facets, in which events are reflected as in the crystal model. It's hartd to describe, because it seems to occupy more than the three dimensions that my mind is used to dealing with when I'm in normal consciousness].

Wow. That was amazing! Now, my conception is that the molecular bonds within the crystal are analagous to the paths of cause and effect. Where do we go with that?

[Image: the same coral structure again. We zoom in closer and can see that each of the cells is connected to each of the other cells by a network of probability strands.]

Wait, wait... so you're saying that each of those cells is an event node?


Understand: cause and effect are not illusiory. This you know. You have surmised that they are as the bonds between the atoms of a great crystal; in this, you are largely correct.

Your [NB: they don't mean me specifically here, they're talking about humanity generally] linear interpretation of the sequence of events are correct as far as they go, correct within limitations.

Fling a stone at a pane of glass: the glass shatters. In between we have the flight of the stone and the impact; beforehand, the mind makes reason to fling the stone; after, there may be fear, regret, triumph. The events may be percived or reported in any order, yet they retain structure. This structure is not an illusion, though it may be seen from many points of view.

Herein lies another lesson. Each strand of probability can be broken down into further strands and nodes. They are...

You're going to use the f-word, aren't you?

fractal in nature.

Argh! You said it! You said the f-word!

It is a perfectly useful word, and entirely correct for our purposes. For delve as deep as you may into the complexity of a strand or a node, you will find further strands and nodes. Any event structure may be broken down into smaller and smaller events. All is complexity, complexity upon complexity, a coral structure of endless recursion and fragmentation.

So, is this why a lot of magick fails? Because the event structures are infinitely complex, any magickal act is trying to affect an infinite number of event-strands in order to create an event-node that doesn't exist?

In part, perhaps. More often it fails because the Will is bound by human nature, becoming lost and dulled amid idle passion.

[Farewell gesture/feeling]

Be at peace.

Right back atcha.
posted by Mordant Carnival  # 4:35 AM
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